Pebble Health was developed alongside researchers at Stanford University, where it is able to keep track of your daily activity while detecting your sleep phases automatically. Having a seamless integration with timeline would ensure that your day’s stats and insights are able to be glanced at in a convenient manner, and will be accessible as well. You can then wake up to a timeline pin in order to review just how much you slept, as well as end the day with a report of your step count.
Kicking off Pebble Health is a snap, where all hat you need to do is to update your Pebble smartphone app and watch to the latest versions, and voila! You’re ready to rock and roll. Do bear in mind that Pebble Health remains available only for Pebble Time, Time Steel, and Time Round smartwatches that have firmware 3.8 and above installed. Those who are rocking to Pebble Classic and Pebble Steel can continue to enjoy 24/7 activity tracking from apps such as Misfit and Jawbone. [Press Release]