Capcom has gradually been unveiling all of the playable characters that are included in the Street Fighter 5 roster, this includes some completely new characters that have never before been a part of this franchise. Capcom has now released the fourth such new character for Street Fighter 5, called F.A.N.G, he’s the second-in-command of Shadaloo and uses poison in most of his main attack types.
F.A.N.G’s poison attacks inflict damage over time so the opponent’s health will continue to be damaged until the poison runs out or F.A.N.G takes a hit. Main attacks include Nishodoku which is a slow moving projectile filled with poison and Dokunoumu which emits a poisonous cloud around F.A.N.G’s body.
Six characters that will be released after Street Fighter 5 comes out have also been revealed, they include Juri, Ibuki, Guile, Alex, Urien and Balrog. Players will be able to earn these characters free via gameplay or purchase the 2016 Season Pass to get them immediately, the Season Pass costs $29.99 and also includes a new theme for the PlayStation 4.
Capcom has already announced when Street Fighter 5 is going to be released for PlayStation 4, the release date was made part of Sony’s press briefing at the Paris Games Week a couple of months back. Street Fighter 5 arrives on PS4 next year, February 16th to be precise, with a release for Windows PC scheduled for the spring.