pokemon 2dsIf there is one thing that gamers around the world might be jealous of gamers in Japan, it would be their access to pretty cool and limited edition devices, and sometimes even titles that are released in Japan first before being localized for their markets. That being said for our huge Pokemon fans, it seems that over in Japan they have launched limited edition versions of the Nintendo 2DS to celebrate the release of the Pokemon Red, Green, and Pikachu yellow remakes.

Note that these 2DS units aren’t new per se and they have actually been launched in Europe last year, but interestingly enough this is one of those instances where the rest of the world got their hands on it before Japan did. Prior to this, the Nintendo 2DS was available in other markets so essentially this would be the first time that the console has made their way over to Japan.

It will come bundled with a Pokemon game corresponding to their color, so for example the red version will come bundled with Pokemon Red, the blue for Pokemon Blue, and so on. There will also be special stickers and a code in which gamers can download Mew. No word on whether these consoles will make their way stateside, but in the past we have seen Nintendo limit their hardware to certain markets depending on the demand, so we guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

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