Samsung is no stranger to using some of the biggest celebrities and athletes to promote its products and LeBron James certainly has a place on that list. He has worked with Samsung in the past and now he stars in a 12 minute virtual reality experience that’s available for the Gear VR headset. It’s called Striving for Greatness and it’s mixes some details about LeBron’s training routine with ample product placement for Samsung.

The experience has been created by a collaboration between Oculus Studios and UNINTERRUPTED, it’s directed by Felix & Paul studios. It’s fitting that this experience was released over Christmas day, since the Gear VR headset is one of the hottest items this holiday season, what’s better than welcoming new users with a bit of exclusive virtual reality content.

Striving for Greatness is available for download from Samsung Milk VR as well as the Oculus Store. It follows LeBron James during his training for his 13th NBA season. Viewers get a 12 minute virtual reality experience featuring one of the hottest athletes on the planet, it’s going to be much more fun if you’re an NBA fan.

Virtual reality is here to stay and with more and more companies expected to jump on this bandwagon, one can only imagine what 2016 is going to bring for virtual reality.

Update: An earlier version of this story mentioned that the VR experience was created by a collaboration between Samsung, Oculus Studios and UNINTERRUPTED. Samsung was not involved in the production of the experience, the story has been updated to reflect that.

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