Google Now Can Read You Your Last Five Text Messages

google_now_messagesIf you’re driving and you’re receiving a bunch of text messages, it is only natural that you’re curious as to what they might be about. However as we all know, driving and texting is a big no-no so what do you do? The good news is that if you’re an Android user, it looks like Google has recently updated Google Now to be more useful than ever.

According to reports from those who have tried it, it seems all you have to do is say, “OK Google, show me my last messages.” Once you’ve said that, Google Now will then read back to you your past five text messages. Note that you have to say “show” because if you say “read”, apparently it will try to search on the internet. We’re not sure why that is but apparently that’s what happens.

Google Now will then read out your previous messages and after each one, it will give you the opportunity to either repeat the message, move onto the next message, or reply it. All of this can be interacted with via your voice so like we said, if you’re driving and you have some urgent text messages that need attending to, this could be a good way to go about it.

However note that this is only for the last five messages. This means that if the message you want is buried underneath a sea of new messages, you would be out of luck, but otherwise do take this feature for a spin and let us know what you think!

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