Drones – they have certainly made headlines nearly every day now, ranging from FAA registration to ISIS actually packing drones with explosives. Having said that, it seems that there are still many different and creative ways for drones to be used – and Japanese fashion brand Buyma has decided to take things to a literally new level by ensuring that a fleet of expertly controlled drones will be able to cover all the good bits of a pair of nude ballet dancers .
The video itself has been given the title of “Kind Drone,” where a pair of ballet dancers in their birthday suits performed as a united unit alongside drones that had small, rectangular cutouts of paper move and hover in tandem to the dancers. Of course, the camera crew too, had expertly ensured that the cameras have been set up perfectly at all the right angles.
It would have been cooler if the rectangular cutouts of paper had some sort of blurred mosaic to rekindle memories of an actual blurred out video. Oh well, this is definitely one of the more creative ways of using a drone to draw attention to your company or product. What do you think of this unique video effort – creative and full of class?
Filed in Drones.
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