Destiny Players Get Free In-Game Gifts After The Holidays


It goes without saying that Destiny has been one of the hottest games out there for well over a year, it remains popular to this day, particularly since multiple expansions have been released that add more elements to this epic game. Players will be delighted to find out that they are going to receive several in-game gifts for free after the holidays, Bungie has confirmed.

At the very start of next year all Destiny players will receive several Motes of Light and Strange Coins for free which they can spend at their leisure. Bungie confirmed this as part of its year-end update, and this is certainly going to please those who are still hooked to this title.

All players have to do is check in with the Postmaster after January 7th, 2016 they will get 15 Strange Coins and 15 Motes of Light free free. It’s not a fortune, but one is usually not opposed to free stuff.

Players may not be that excited about Motes of Light since they’re easy to come by in the game however Strange Coins have proven to be rare following the launch of The Taken King, these coins can be spent on Xur’s exotic inventory, so players wouldn’t mind getting more of them for free, and that too with no effort on their part.

So if you play Destiny, don’t forget to check in with the Postmaster after January 7th!

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