Classic Duke Nukem Titles No Longer On Sale By End Of 2015

Duke Nukem is certainly a figure that can be said to be rather controversial – especially when you take into account the kind of outrage his character evoked back in his heydays. For those who waited what felt like forever for the last released title (which is ironic considering how the game itself is known as Duke Nukem Forever), you must have been disappointed as the game itself was a flop. Well, the other titles in the Duke Nukem series is definitely generally held in high regard, and those who would like to get some classic gaming time under their belt can always check out services like GOG and Steam. Point of note though – Duke Nukem titles will disappear from sale at the end of this year, and GOG has ensured that everyone has received fair warning beforehand.
Basically, this coming December 31st would mark the moment where every single Duke Nukem games will no longer be made available for sale at Among these titles that will perform the disappearing act include Duke Nukem 1+2, Balls of Steel, Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition and Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project. It looks like rights is the main reason for the removal, as they are changing hands to new rights holders, so new agreements will need to be drawn up – and even then, that is no guarantee that the classic titles will be put back on sale.
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