Now there are apps and tools, like Opera Max, that will help you save data. However if you are a Chrome user on Android, Google already has a built-in feature called Data Saver mode that as the name implies, will help you save data while browsing the web using Chrome on your Android phone. The good news is that Google has recently given the feature an update to make it more efficient.
If you liked the feature before, the update should make you even happier. According to Google, the update will now be able to help users save data by as much as 70%. According to a post on the Chrome blog, “Now, we’re updating this mode to save even more data – up to 70 percent! – by removing most images when loading a page on a slow connection. After the page has loaded, you can tap to show all images or just the individual ones you want, making the web faster and cheaper to access on slow connections.”
Note that this updated mode will only be available for Android users. Google will also be starting the rollout of the updated mode to users in India and Indonesia first, before it eventually makes its way to other parts of the world.