Latest BBM Update Brings About More Privacy & Security

bbm-retract-and-delete-wideBlackBerry is known for several things, such as its physical keyboards which for the most part have been a pleasure to use. They are also known for their software services like BES and BBM, both of which are predicated on security and this is something that BlackBerry has constantly advertised in the past.

Recently the company had issued an update to BBM which according to them, will make the messaging app more security and private than before. For starters, BlackBerry has souped up the message retraction and editing feature. Users can now retract both pictures and entire chats, whereas previously the retraction feature was limited to individual messages.

This affects both private chats and group chats, although as BlackBerry points out, users will need a subscription to Privacy & Control for it to work. The update also includes a broadcast feature which is now arriving on Android, where previously it was only available on BB10 and iOS.

It has also been updated for 3D Touch where iOS users can use it to quickly send messages, update status, display a picture, search BBM, and more. The update should already be available for download via the iTunes App Store or Google Play, so head on over to your respective app stores to get your hands on it.

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