Adobe Post Enhances Your Social Posts

adobe-postWhen you take a glance at other people’s social posts, you must wonder just how much work has gone into some of the photos that you have seen – the people seem to be immaculately dressed and preened. Well, some folks do touch up their photos before posting it up, but for the less design savvy, Adobe might have just the thing for you – in the form of an app known as Adobe Post. Adobe Post is similar to Instagram in some ways, as it would rely on a collection of pre-selected designs rather than photo presets to come up with the final result. The moment you have figured out what look you like, Post can then let you pick the font, colors and other elements prior to posting it up on a social network or app.

The ultimate objective of Adobe Post is to provide a hassle-free method to come up with graphics for photos that you have snapped from within, without having to export them to a desktop machine or a notebook for editing before posting it up. The app works great for beginners, as it will provide a suggestion for a palette automatically, based on the background image. This would surely help those out who find it difficult to make decisions. You can download Adobe Post for free on the iTunes App Store.

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