legion_pre_purchaseWorld of Warcraft’s next expansion, Legion, was announced a couple of months ago. This is the sixth expansion in the franchise and while there was no solid release date planned, it was assumed that it would be a while before we saw its release. After all this is Blizzard and that’s what happens for most Blizzard games (save for Hearthstone).

However it seems that according to some reports, a pre-purchase button has appeared on the Legion website, as you can see in the screenshot above. As it stands the button cannot be clicked and it says “Coming soon”. This has led to speculation that Blizzard could be readying pre-orders and that its release date could also be announced soon.

Given that BlizzCon 2015 is taking place this weekend, we wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard were to announce when the game would be available. We still expect a 2016 release but when exactly in 2016 is anyone’s guess. Either way if you are still playing the game or are thinking about getting back in, check back with us over the weekend for the details.

In the meantime for those hearing about Legion for the first time, this will be the game’s latest expansion. It raises the level cap from 100 to 110 and most notable is the introduction of the Demon Hunter class, something that we’re sure many gamers have been begging Blizzard for ever since the developer introduced the Twin Blades of Azzinoth into the game in Burning Crusade.

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