It does look like a scene from a horror movie – especially those who suffer from arachnophobia. Apparently, millions upon millions of small spiders have descended upon North Memphis, spinning a massive spider web so much so that it looks like a blanket of snow, never mind the fact that snow has not fallen just yet. Experts claim that the spiders’ presence signify a good thing that is happening. Tell that to folks who hate these 8-legged creatures!
Memphis Zoo curator Steve Reichling mentioned to local news station WMC-TV, “It’s a mass dispersal of the millions of tiny spiders that have always been in that field, unnoticed till now, In fields and meadows, there are often literally millions of spiders doing their thing, unseen and unappreciated by us. I would not want to live in a world where such things were no longer possible. The presence of these spiders tells us that all is well with nature at that location.”
These spiders will most probably be the sheetweb weaver spiders from the Linyphiidae family, which has more than 4,300 known species that occur worldwide. Spiders in the Linyphiidae family are famous for their ballooning behavior, and can be said to travel thousands of miles through shooting a silk ‘parachute’ into the wind. Is your skin crawling yet?
Filed in Science. Source: news.discovery
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