halo-warsWhile the Wii U, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One are considered to be the current-gen consoles, they all appeal to different audiences. For example the Wii U and Nintendo games are mostly seen as lighthearted games and games focused on playing with friends at a party. So if that’s the Wii U’s corner of the market, where does the Xbox One belong?

In an interview with GamesBeat, Microsoft executive Aaron Greenberg opined by saying that he thinks that the Xbox One is the platform for shooter-style games. Greenberg was speaking about how the console differentiates itself from the competition, in which he states that shooter-style titles such as Halo and Gears of War are great examples of how Microsoft differentiates itself from other consoles.

According to Greenberg, “If you’re a shooter fan and you want to play Halo, want to play Gears, want to play Call of Duty and Battlefront, there’s one place to do that. Shooters are the largest genre in the industry today, representing about a third of game sales. That’s the tip of the spear on how we differentiate.”

He also speaks about exclusive titles in which he adds, “With Halo and Gears and Forza and Rare Replay — we have Fable Legends. What we’ve done with Tomb Raider as well in the partnership with Crystal [Dynamics] — I think the games lineup we have this holiday, the exclusives we have this holiday, it’s probably the biggest we’ve ever had. We believe that will fuel the ecosystem and fuel a lot of differentiation.”

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