iris lensIf you are in the market for a camera lens attachment for your smartphone, there are several options available in the market today, with brands like Moment and Olloclip being some of the more popular options. The Moment lens prides itself as being a more premium lens but the downside is that you need to attach a lens mount to your phone.

This is an adhesive attachment meaning that once you’ve applied it, it will be really hard to remove it which some of you guys might not appreciate. This is where the Iris Lens by Photojojo comes into play. This is a lens attachment for your smartphone that lets you attach lenses easily to your phone without much hassle.

It will also play nicely with a variety of cases thanks to its special mounting system. Basically to attach the lens, you need to slide a mount inside your phone case which will help align the lens. Afterwards you then attach the lens on top of it and it will stay in place thanks to a cord that helps hold it together, as you can see in the photo above.

There are 3 lenses to choose from which is pretty standard, like wide angle, fish eye, and macro. If this looks like a lens you wouldn’t mind getting your hands on, head on over to Photojojo’s website to pre-order it where it is priced at $109 (special presale price) and will be available come 14th December.

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