However thanks to the Baker Miller Hoodie by Vollebak, you can attempt to relax yourself for a few minutes and recharge before heading back in. Now we know you’re a bit skeptical. Apart from keeping you warm and looking stylish, how is a hoodie supposed to help keep you relaxed?
Basically the idea of the hoodie is based around Baker Miller Pink, a psychological theory that painting prisons pink can apparently calm inmates down. The hoodie can be zipped up from the bottom all the way up to the top of your head with a pink interior. This in itself creates a personal calming tent of sorts.
Next there are two specially designed pockets that when you stick your arms in, it will rest over your diaphragm to encourage you to take deeper and lower breaths. Whether or not this hoodie will work remains to be seen, but it is being marketed as a piece of clothing aimed at athletes to help calm their mind and nerves before a big event.
If you think this hoodie has merits, then head on over to Vollebak’s website where you can order one for yourself for around $330.