In less than 2 weeks, gamers can expect to get their hands on Fallout 4. In the meantime for those who weren’t quick on the trigger when it came to deciding if they should buy the Pip-Boy Edition, only to find that they were sold out later, we suppose here’s the next best thing, which is in the form of an unboxing video.

A video of the Pip-Boy Edition being unboxed has recently made its way onto YouTube, amassing over 200,000 views over the course of a few days. It basically takes us through what we can expect to find inside the Pip-Boy Edition bundle, as well as showing us how the Pip-Boy will actually work and look like.

As expected the bundle is pretty standard. It comes with a copy of the game (which will still need to be downloaded on Steam if you bought the PC version), an instruction manual, codes of the Season Pass, and poster. It also comes with the Pip-Boy (obviously) and a stand for the gadget if you plan on just displaying it.

Now since the companion app for the Pip-Boy is not live, we weren’t able to see how it works properly, but the video does show a video running on its screen which already looks pretty cool, so we can only imagine how much cooler it would be if the app were live. The Pip-Boy Edition bundle has sold very very quickly despite Bethesda restocking it several times, so like we said you did not pull the trigger early, this video is probably a good consolation, or you could try the likes of eBay or Craigslist.

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