Durex Is Lobbying For A Condom Emoji, Believes It Promotes Safe Sex

Emojis started off simple with a couple of smileys. It later expanded to include all sorts of things, ranging from animals, food, plants, symbols, gestures, and even show support for specific campaigns. We’ve even seen companies such as Apple take emojis further by introducing diversified emojis to include multiple races.

That being said in anticipation of World AIDS Day which is on the 1st of December, the folks at Durex have recently started to lobby for the idea of creating a condom emoji. Apparently since 80% of 18-25 year olds use emojis for basic communications, the company believes that a condom emoji might help to promote safe sex amongst the younger crowd.

The company is also campaigning its customers to support its cause by hashtagging #CondomEmoji in hopes that the Unicode Consortium’s Emoji Subcommittee will see it and actually create an emoji for it. According to the campaign’s marketing director Karen Chisholm, “Emojis of this sort will enable young people to overcome embarrassment around the discussion of safe sex, encourage conversation and raise awareness of the importance of using condoms.”

So what do you guys think? Is this an emoji that you’d like to see made a reality? If it is, you guys know what to do.

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