The modern space race is far from over with several players in the market making their presence known, as Amazon’s Jeffrey P. Bezos is one of them. In fact, his rocket was recently tested and it went up – and more importantly, came down to earth safe and sound in a single piece. Mr. Bezos has been throwing money in the direction of space adventures, and this has resulted in the rocket company known as Blue Origin.

Blue Origin successfully launched its New Shepard rocket a distance of 329,839 feet, or 100.5 kilometers, above its launch site in West Texas earlier this week, where it hit the right altitude where many would consider it to be the beginning of outer space. In the future, should all things turn out well, then a capsule will ferry passengers on such suborbital adventures, before descending to the ground using an old school method – parachutes.

Mr. Bezos shared in an interview, “It was a totally nominal flight.We’re walking on cloud 9. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.” This is a follow up on a relatively successful test flight that happened earlier this year in April. So far, Blue Origin has not started selling tickets for commercial flights, and neither has the company settled on for the cost of a flight.

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