BlackBerry does cooperate time and again with law enforcement to enable court-ordered surveillance of its mobile devices but the company has generally been the smartphone manufacturer of choice for many looking to get a bit more security than others. The company says that it believes in a “balanced” approach towards encryption and lawful intercept adding that the company prioritizes cooperating with law enforcement agencies.
These remarks were made by BlackBerry’s Chief Operating Officer Marty Beard at the FedTalks government IT summit aiming to differentiate its balanced stance against companies who are “all about encryption all the way,” without naming any names.
The comments come at a time when there’s intense debate once again about the pros and cons of having mandatory backdoors in encrypted communications and data services. U.S. law enforcement officials have relaunched their campaign for this to be made mandatory for devices and services operating in the country following the attacks in Paris last week.
It’s surely going to be a long debate as both sides have very valid points to argue, but at least BlackBerry is clearing up the air as far as its encryption and communication services go, it will cooperate with court-ordered surveillance and law enforcement agencies as and when required in the United States.