91% Physical Sales Of Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 Were For PS4/Xbox One

black ops 3_Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 was recently released and it was available across various platforms, like the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, the PlayStation 3, and the PC. That being said with so many platforms to choose from, is there one particular platform that did better than the rest? As it turns out, there are.

According to the sales figures, it turns out that the Xbox One and PS4 are responsible for the lion’s share of sales, at least as far as physical sales are concerned. The numbers claim that the PS4 secured 48% of physical sales, while the Xbox One managed 43%. An interesting number given how Microsoft claims that their console is the preferred console for shooters, while Sony recently suggested the same thing about the PS4.

This brings it to a grand total of 91% just for the PS4 and Xbox One. The remaining 9% is split three ways, with 5% for the Xbox 360, 3% for the PS3, and 1% for the PC. Note that this is just for physical sales and in terms of digital with distribution platforms like Steam, it is possible that the PC could nab a higher market share.

That being said, looking from a purely physical sales standpoint, the 91% is very encouraging especially when you consider that Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare only managed 67% physical sales on both the PS4 and Xbox One combined.

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