xbox-one-hands-on-review-02The Christmas season will soon be upon us before we know it, and this is more often than not one occassion where gifts will be exchanged, families meet up and fellowship with one another, and long lost ties are rekindled. Of course, in such social settings, it makes perfect sense to have a jolly good time with one another, and that is more often than not serenaded through the form of wine and song. The younger generation will definitely find the presence of a video game console in the living room to be a familiar presence, even at the home of a long lost relative, and hence, if you have yet to equip your home with the Xbox One till today, now would be a good time to do so, what with Microsoft announcing a limited-time deal for the Xbox One Kinect bundle.

This particular promotional kit will come with the latest console as well as companion motion sensor, in addition to the likes of Dance Central Spotlight, Kinect Sports Rivals and Zoo Tycoon. Assuming you reside in the US, Mexico or Canada, you will have the luxury of picking up the Xbox One Kinect bundle for $399, $7,999 MXN and $449 CAD, respectively. Not only that, for those out there who want nothing else other than the Kinect, Microsoft has got your back as well, since they have placed a $99 price tag on it. There is no word as to how long this particular promotion will last, so those who are interested in picking it up might want to grab the worm before the promotion runs out. You know, early bird and all that jazz. [Press Release]

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