whatsapp-logo-newIf you happen to be a Windows Phone user, chances are you are used by now to being the last when it comes to enjoying app updates, especially when you compare yourself to iOS and Android-powered device owners. Still, the adage holds true – better late than never, and life is a whole lot more than just making sure you are first off the blocks with the latest updates, right? Well, for those who have been rocking to WhatsApp on Windows Phone for the longest time without having the middle finger emoji, the day has finally arrived where WhatsApp for Windows Phone has gotten an update to version

whatsapp-emojiLooks like Windows Phone is now on par with Windows 10 where flipping the bird is concerned, and do remember that this app update would also see its fair share of tweaks happening here and there, although being able to express yourself with your middle finger via an emoji would most probably be seen to be the most valuable “improvement” or addition of the lot.

Apart from that, do bear in mind that WhatsApp for Windows Phone does not seem to run as smoothly as its iOS and Android counterparts, so hopefully more can be done to ensure that it catches up at the very least with the rest of its brethren in the future.

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