Uber is now capable of doing much more than just hailing you a ride, though that still remains its core business, that hasn’t stopped the company from branching out into other businesses. Recently the company started testing a new service called UberRush which can be used to get stuff delivered from local businesses. That service was initially launched in New York City and now it has been expanded to San Francisco and Chicago.
“If every local business delivered, we’d all save time and energy,” said Jason Droege, head of UberEverything in a statement provided to the media. The launch for SF and Chicago also brings two several new partners such as Clover and Shopify. The adding of Shopify and Clover to the lineup is likely going to encourage more local businesses to embrace UberRush.
Getting something delivered via UberRush is as simple as hailing a ride through the app, the entire process doesn’t take more than a few minutes with payments being handled within the app. It’s a very seamless experience.
Uber has made no secret of the fact that it wants to apply its model on a variety of businesses, that’s why recently it also got in the businesses of delivering lunch and dinner from local restaurants in 11 cities across the globe, including the likes of Barcelona and Paris.
Filed in Uber. Source: newsroom.uber
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