chronotriggerThere are plenty of great video games made by companies like Square Enix that only ever see a release in Japan. Usually when a localized version for the Western markets are released, it can be as late as several years, meaning by then gamers would have moved on to better and newer games.

However it seems that Square Enix could now be considering turning to crowdfunding to help bring localized games faster to the Western market. In the latest issue of Game Informer, there was an interview with Square Enix Europe CEO Phil Rogers who mentioned that they were toying with the idea of crowdfunding.

According to Rogers, “I would love to try and work with [crowdfunding], to find a way because ultimately we want to satisfy the demands of the fans.” Rogers goes on to note that in the past, getting localized versions was hard because of trying to ascertain the demand, in which the company is trying to figure out if their time and effort would be worth it.

We should point out that Rogers’ comment about crowdfunding isn’t necessarily a confirmation of the direction the company is headed, but rather an idea they are exploring, but what say you? Would you help crowdfund a game to get it localized for your region?

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