Wild Gunman Game Re-Issued By Nintendo

While many things were not realized on the 21st of October this year as depicted in the movie Back to the Future II, this does not mean that all of us should be feeling down and pretty beat up about it. Why not look at the glass as half full and give ourselves a nice, big pat on the back, citing that at least we are still around, and are getting close to that of a driverless car? But I digress. Remember the part in the movie when Marty McFly traveled to 2015, and he displayed his mad skills in the ’80s game Wild Gunman? Nintendo pays homage to Future Day by offering European fans this year to re-experience the classic game.
Just how did they go about doing so? Well, the answer is pretty simple, and there is no need for any kind of time travel. All that Nintendo did was to re-issue the game for the Wii U Virtual Console over in Europe, and that’s about it. This particular title was first released on the original NES to be played with the Zapper light gun, but fast forward to today, you can make use of a Wiimote to enjoy it on the Wii U. Too bad Wild Gunman is available only for European gamers with a Wii U to download.
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