For those unfamiliar, Hearthstone is a digital card game created by Blizzard. However given that it is only available in digital form, what these group of enterprising soldiers did was that they created the game from scratch, drawing and cutting out cards made from notebook paper. As you can see in the photos, they’re pretty detailed.
As for dealing with RNG in terms of spell or creature damage, they have turned to the use of dice in order to achieve that. Some of these cards are actually pretty well-drawn and we’re sure given more time, they would have come up with more impressive designs. We’re not sure how long it has taken them, but based on the stack we see, it must have taken them a while.
In a way it is kind of ironic. Hearthstone is sort of meant to replace the World of Warcraft TCG, which is a physical card game similar to Pokemon and Magic: The Gathering, but by recreating these cards in real-life, it’s like they’re going back to their roots.