If you’re in the market for a new fun way to record videos of your friends and family, you might be interested to learn that Instagram has launched a new app called Boomerang. Basically what the app does is it takes a burst of photos and stitches them together to form a mini video of sorts, or if you want you could even think of it as similar to an animated GIF.

The idea here is that the photos can be played back and forth, so if you want to see your friend jumping off a cliff in reverse, or see birthday candles being brought back to life, Boomerang will be a good app to get that kind of quirky and fun footage. Safe to say that the clips captured by Boomerang can then be shared on Instagram, so expect your feed to contain some pretty interesting footage in the coming days/weeks.

The app is a free download and is available on both the iOS and Android platform, so if you’d like to check it out, hit up the iTunes App Store or Google Play, so head on over for your respective downloads. Now Boomerang is definitely not the first of its kind as there are other similar apps out there.

However given the popularity of Instagram and the ability to share the clips on your Instagram account will no doubt aid in its appeal. In the meantime to get an idea of what Boomerang can do, check out the video above.

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