google-nexus-player-hands-on-2It is not too long from now that Google will oversee a media event in San Francisco, and that is the venue in which many o fus expect the Internet search giant to show off a range of its new Nexus flagship handsets, as well as the latest OS update that will be deliciously known as Android 6.0 Marshmallow. If one were to rewind the clock by a year, Google announced Android 5.0 Lollipop back then alongside a trio of showcase devices, and the Nexus Player box happened to be one of them. Google did blow the trumpet where the Nexus Player is concerned, citing it to be an affordable Android TV box that will be able to cater to those who would like to indulge in a wee bit of casual gaming along the way. The asking price for the Nexus Player then was slightly less than $100, and it seems that just a year has passed for it to retail for half that price, now how about that?

Best Buy happens to be selling the Nexus Player for a mere $49.99, and to make the entire deal a whole lot sweeter, this will also include free shipping. The Nexus Player was built by the folks over at ASUS, where it will be accompanied by a remote control, although there is an option to throw in a wireless gamepad if you so desire. The wireless gamepad itself will set you back by $29.99 a pop. Well, what do you think of this development? Will it translate to the possibility of having a brand new Nexus Player introduced at Google’s upcoming media event? Only time will be able to tell, so it is wise to play the patience card in this particular case.

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