As much as some of us would love to get a dishwasher, it can get pretty expensive so sometimes resorting to washing the dishes by hand the good old fashioned way is still a cheaper solution. At least until the Circo, which as you can see in the video above is a dishwasher that operates by hand.

Granted you will still need to wash the dishes by hand, but the idea here is that at the very least you will get to wash batches of it at once. This is versus more traditional dishwashing methods where you will need to scrub plates, bowls, and utensils one at a time. Designed by student Chen Levin, the Circo requires no electricity to operate.

It is also relatively environmentally friendly as it uses only 0.7 gallons of water versus 2.2 gallons of water used by a typical dishwashing machine. The Circo also serves dual purposes where after the dishes are washed, it can also act as a rack where the dishes can be left to drip dry.

Ultimately the Circo works like how a normal dishwashing machine works, which is by spraying water up from the base. Users just need to fill the base-tray with water, add a sodium acetate tablet to heat it up, and start cranking the handle. Levin claims that the device is at the final prototype stage and he is already looking for investors to make it a reality.

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