facebook-jailHow many hours would you say that you spend on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on? A couple of minutes? A few hours? Longer? While social media websites are treasures troves of information, too much can be a bad thing. According to a recent study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (via Unilad), it has been found that too much of social media can lead to teen depression.

The study involved collecting data from as many as 750 students for a 2013 Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey. The study found that there is a link between frequent social media use and increased chances of mental health problems. This includes psychological distress and suicidal thoughts which could become worse.

That being said it does not mean that all social media is bad. In fact the study even suggests that public health providers even try to reach out to teens via social media if they’re going to spend all their time there anyway. “Given that youth with poor mental health are spending significant time on social networking sites (SNSs), public health and other service providers may be able to reach a key vulnerable population if they also engage youth on SNSs with health promotion approaches and supports.”

So if you’re a parent whose teen frequents social media a bit more than you think should be normal behavior, perhaps it’s time to consider stepping in.

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