Earlier this year, Japan’s All Nippon Air (ANA) debut a Star Wars themed plane which was basically painted to resemble R2-D2. However it looks like that will not be the company’s only Star Wars themed plane. Recently the company has taken the wraps off two new models which will be joining its fleet.

One of the models has been themed to look like the BB-8 droid from the upcoming Star Wars movie, which we’re assuming is hoping to become as iconic as R2-D2, and the other will be sort of basic with the Star Wars logo emblazoned on it. Now for those who are wondering if this is just a paint job, think again.

It turns out that these are actual themed planes. This means that following in the footsteps of the Hello Kitty themed planes, the interiors of these planes will be designed to incorporate themes from the Star Wars universe, such as headrest covers, paper napkins, cutlery, cups, plates, and so on.

Heck, if it’s anything like the Hello Kitty plane, you can look forward to Star Wars themed food as well. These planes are expected to be flying both international and domestic routes and are expected to go into operation in October for the R2-D2 model, and November for the Star Wars ANA Jet for domestic routes, and March 2016 for international routes.

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