hearthstone grand tournamentIf you’re a fan of Blizzard’s free-to-play Hearthstone title, you might be pleased to learn that the game’s latest expansion, The Grand Tournament, has been officially released as previously promised by Blizzard. The latest expansion will introduce a wealth of new cards to the game – 132 to be exact.

There will be various new mechanics and features that gamers can look forward to along with a brand new Hearthstone board. The expansion is following the theme of the Argent Tournament from an area in World of Warcraft’s Wrath of the Lich King expansion, so if you particularly enjoyed the festive nature of the event, then The Grand Tournament should bring some memories back.

Given that Hearthstone is free-to-play, this means there will be some in-game purchases to be made if you want to enjoy it fully. The booster packs can be bought for real-life money so if you want to experience the new cards, you’re going to have to shell out some cash for it. In fact last we heard, Hearthstone was raking in a whopping $20 million a month for Blizzard in terms of revenue.

In any case the expansion is already here so if you’d like to get in on it, just fire up the game and you’ll be good to go!

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