According to the datamine, one of the text discovered reads, “Well done! You’ve defeated the boss together.\n\nBoth players win!” This seems to suggest that there could be an upcoming mode in Hearthstone in which two players can play together to help complete objectives, like defeating a boss in the game.
Blizzard has yet to confirm this so for now, it’s just speculation as to what that could mean. However it does sound like a pretty intriguing idea and one that we wouldn’t mind checking out. That being said, chances are it could be a while before we hear more about this. Blizzard has recently announced The Grand Tournament expansion and this co-op mode was not one of the mentioned features.
This seems to suggest that the feature could be part of the next expansion that will feature a story mode, kind of like Curse of Naxxramas or Blackrock Mountain. In any case what do you guys think of a co-op mode in Hearthstone? Yay or nay?