skyrim-tunesThe Elder Scrolls: Skyrim was a huge hit amongst gamers, spawning all kinds of memes and mods that turned the game into more than what it was. However with Fallout 4 on its way, Bethesda seems to be pretty certain that the game could potentially top the sales of Skyrim, which would be impressive if it were to happen.

Speaking to MCV, Bethesda’s Pete Hines was quoted as saying, “I think this can top Skyrim. It could be our biggest release ever. But we will see. It is part of my job to build the megaphone that we hold up to the game, and the game decides how loud it goes. Just how big it is going to be is hard to say. Skyrim was a massively big deal.”

Part of the reason he’s so confident is also because of the feedback they have gotten via social media for Fallout 4. He notes that the game was the most talked about game, and he also points out that its special edition version of the game has been constantly sold out despite Bethesda restocking it several times.

That being said, hype only plays one part of a game’s success. The other part involves actually creating a good game, but Bethesda has had a pretty decent track record so far so we guess we’ll just have to wait until the 10th of November when the game is released to find out just how well it will be able to do. In the meantime do you guys think that Fallout 4 could top Skyrim?

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