Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveWhen playing video games, you usually expect that the look of the game is pretty much set. Sure, some tweaks here and there will help improve it, but for the most part you can expect the game to keep its look until a sequel has been announced. Valve changed that with DotA 2 when they announced DotA 2 Reborn.

For those unfamiliar, this basically gave the game a massive overhaul in terms of its looks, thanks largely to the new Source 2 engine. However the question some gamers have been asking is when will Source 2 make its way to Valve’s other games, such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive?

The good news is that it will. The bad news is that it might be a while. Speaking to IGN, Valve’s Erik Johnson was quoted as saying, “I’m sure it’ll end up on Source 2 at some point.” However apart from that confirmation, Johnson did not share details on when exactly that might happen, so for all we know, it could be years before we actually see it, although we’re really hoping that won’t be the case.

At the moment Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is Valve’s second-most played game behind DotA 2, so safe to say there are a lot of fans that Valve will probably not want to disappoint. During the interview, Johnson also suggested that despite its popularity, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive might not see its own The International tournament.

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