minas tirithRemember a couple of years ago when a crowdfunding campaign was launched to try and make the Death Star spaceship from Star Wars a reality? The campaign asked for a whopping $850 quintillion which frankly was a little absurd and an extremely long-shot. That being said if you’re interested in making your favorite stories come to life, this might be of interest to you.

A group of architects and structural engineers have announced their plans to build a real-life Lord of the Rings city in the form of Minas Tirith. Declaring themselves to be major Lord of the Rings fans, they will be basing this particular design on Peter Jackson’s movie version of the city. In fact they plan to make it so that it will be an actual livable city.

They plan to include both residential and commercial properties so that it will essentially be self-contained. They will also make some modifications where instead of it being a 7-tiered city, it will be a 5-tiered city instead, presumably out of cost and practicality reasons. Its Indiegogo campaign has several different tiers of backing as well.

For example if you’re so inclined and have the cash, you can buy yourself a Lordship or Ladyship title to the city by donating £100,000. However if you have the cash to splash, donating £1,720,000 will grant you a whopping 100-year lease on a 4-star penthouse property in the city as well.

Now we’re not sure how successful their campaign will be, but it does sound like a fun one and if you’re a fan of Lord of the Rings, perhaps this is a campaign worth checking out.

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