wp-store-leakBreaches in information as well as leaks are commonplace in this day and age, and it seems that the latest leak involves data concerning the Windows Phone Store that dates all the way back October 2011, where that was when Windows Phone 7.5 launched. Whatever that was leaked showed that Facebook happens to be the app that is downloaded the most, achieving more than 112 million installations along the way.

Next in line would be WhatsApp with 92 million downloads, and OneDrive is up next with 62.5 million downloads. There are other apps which have also received their fair share of downloads and installations as well, and this would include the payment channel known as PayPal, achieving a mere 1.6 million times all this while.

Just a handful of third party apps did well, and you can be sure that video hosting site YouTube has something to do with it – where Tube HD, a YouTube player, picked up more than 13 million downloads, accompanied by gMaps with 8 million, while Fhotoroom has 6 million and 6tag with 4 million. Games too, have their moments, where some of the top titles include Fruit Slash with a near 20 million download mark, while Subway Surfers is not too far behind with more than 18 million downloads.

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