This means that gamers will have a lot more things to do and areas to explore. Speaking to GamingBolt, the game’s director Brian Horton revealed some additional details of the upcoming game, like how there will not be any loading screens which will help towards creating that seamless experience from start to end.
According to Horton, “Just like the last Tomb Raider we’ve created a seamless experience. As soon as you start a new game if you never died or don’t quit you will have a seamless streaming experience throughout the whole game. We want to immerse the player into the world as soon as possible and flow from mission to mission in a very seamless way.”
Horton also revealed how big the game would be. “Our exploration spaces are 3 times larger than they were in the last game and our tombs are much bigger. And we’re employing what we call “A Nested Puzzle Approach” that means there are multiple puzzles that all work together to solve 1 big puzzle.” There was also talk about a new traversal system where Lara can climb trees not only to travel, but also to take out enemies.
Rise of the Tomb Raider is expected to be released later this year on the 10th of November for the Xbox One, followed by the PC and PlayStation 4 versions in 2016.