angry birds 2When Rovio announced Angry Birds 2 not too long ago, with the moniker “the mother of all sequels” attached to it, the world of mobile gaming was certainly in a buzz, to say the least. After all, this particular title had certainly gone the distance across numerous platforms to be what it is today, a juggernaut not only in terms of gaming, but also commercial appeal as well. In fact, Angry Birds has ended up as one of the biggest and hottest mobile gaming properties worldwide, and to hear that there is a sequel coming soon is definitely uplifting news, although the new title will not appear on the Windows Phone platform anytime soon.

This should not come across as any surprise since the first time Angry Birds was released, it did not appear on Windows Phone 7 either when the OS launched some time in late 2010, although over the course of time, that was reversed. Ever since 2011, Rovio has also worked to bring other spin-offs in the franchise to Windows Phone, such as Angry Birds Star Wars, Angry Birds Rio, Angry Birds Space, and various variants including Bad Piggies.

Rovio’s support team mentioned, “Unfortunately, Angry Birds 2 will not be released for Windows Phones. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and hope that you have a chance to play the game on one of the supported platforms, such as Android or iOS!”

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