apple musicIt has been about close to two weeks since Apple released iOS 8.4. This is an update that many probably rushed to get their hands on simply because with the update, Apple has brought Apple Music to the table, a service that we’re sure many Apple users are eager to check out at the very least.

So how is iOS 8.4 faring so far? As it turns out, it is doing pretty well. According to analysts Mixpanel who has tracked the adoption of the platform, it seems that in a span of less than 2 weeks, iOS 8.4 has been installed on 37% of iOS devices to date. This is pretty impressive, so much so that Mixpanel believes that this could prove to be dangerous for Spotify.

While iOS 8.4 does bring to the table other features and bug fixes and whatnot, the main focus of the update has been Apple Music, so with 37% adopting iOS 8.4, in theory that means that there could be as many as 37% of iOS devices who might already be using Apple Music, but like we said that’s just on paper since in reality we’re sure there are plenty of iOS users who are happy with their Spotify subscription.

That being said, this does seem to be in line with an earlier report in which it revealed that many iOS users announced on social media that they would be leaving Spotify for Apple Music. However once again this is not a guarantee that they have or more importantly, if they are planning on sticking to Apple Music and paying its subscription after the free 3 month trial is up, which is when we suppose the real battle between the platforms begin.

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