new-glassThe Google Glass experiment did not really manage to take off in the manner which Google intended due to poor management, which was why the program was stopped, I suppose. Still, this does not mean that Google has thrown in the towel or raised the white flag for the program – in fact, it was just slightly more than a week ago that additional details of Google Glass Enterprise Edition has emerged. Apparently, one of the changes that has happened would be the ability to attach it to an existing pair of glasses.

Google continues to look for new ways in order for consumers to jump aboard the smart eyewear bandwagon, and will work on a complete redesign from ground up, so what you see on the right will not be the final design. There were also whispers of the future Google Glass model to run on an Intel processor, as well as the inclusion of eye tracking ability. Even Eric Schmidt himself admitted that Google Glass would be making a return soon.

Apparently, the new version will spot a hinge that will allow one to hook it up to a different pair of glasses, where the workplace model will sport a battery pack as well as a longer prism. Google has remained mum on what has been making its rounds so far, and perhaps with the Enterprise Edition, concerns such as privacy at the workplace will no longer be an issue since it can be deemed to be part of the work uniform.

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