zef tableSay it’s the summer and it’s terribly hot, so what do you do? You turn on the AC. While that is one way to go about it, turning on the AC has been found to be bad for the environment, not to mention it will run your electric bills up pretty high, but what can you do? If you’re looking for a greener and cheaper way of staying cool, then the ZEF Climatic Table might be the answer.

zef table 2As you can see in the image above, the ZEF table looks like any regular table. It might sport a sleek, modern, and clean design, but in reality there’s more than meets the eye. You might have noticed that along the sides of the table there are grooves. These grooves are an aluminum sheet that acts like a heatsink.

zef table 3Inside the sheets are PCM (phase-changing) wax balls which are designed to absorb heat. The heat absorbed is then diffused throughout the aluminum sheet, thus reducing the overall temperature of the room. According to its designers Raphaël Ménard and Jean-Sébastien Lagrange, they claim that it will be able to bring your room temperature down to 71 degrees Fahrenheit, which is about 21.7 degree Celsius for those wondering.

That being said, this is just one of the many ideas the designers have for the technology. They plan on creating an entire ecosystem that could ultimately help to regulate the temperature of a room, so if tables aren’t your thing, who knows what else they could apply this to – beds, chairs, bookshelves, perhaps?

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