Chrome For iOS Updated With More Gesture Controls

chrome-iosSafari is the browser by default on iOS devices. This is fine if you use Safari on your Mac as well because just like Google’s Chrome, it can sync information across devices so you get to pick up where you left of. Now if you’re more of a Chrome user, you might be interested to learn that Google has announced an update for the app on iOS devices.

Just like most updates, the latest update for Chrome will introduce a host of bug fixes and improvements to the app overall. However what caught our attention was the fact that the update also adds some new gesture controls to the app, where swiping right and left will allow users to navigate backwards and forwards.

This is a pretty nifty and convenient feature, especially if you consider that phones these days are starting to get a bit too big for one-handed use. This means that you will no longer have to stretch your thumb to the top of the screen to navigate back and forwards between websites as swiping in from the edge of the screen will do the same thing.

If this is a feature that sounds familiar, it is because Safari on iOS does the same thing and has been offering that particular feature for a while now. However if you’re a Chrome fan who wished that Chrome had this feature, you’re in luck. The latest update to Chrome can be found on the iTunes App Store so head on over for the download if you haven’t already.

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