Soon you will be able to purchase products directly from Google search results on your mobile device, the company has confirmed in an event today that it will soon roll out buy buttons to search results on mobile devices. The buy button will allow users to order items directly from the results page without having to click through to another website and filling up payment information every single time.
Google is going to make the entire process much simpler. First and foremost buy buttons will be displayed on sponsored results returned for any particular query on Google Search. It’s called this feature Purchases on Google.
The company will then take the customer to a checkout page that it will host itself and users only need to add their payment information once, it will be stored directly with Google for use in subsequent purchases.
Initially the company is partnering with about a dozen retailers who are going to handle order fulfillment and they will be allowed to customize Google’s checkout page with their own logo and branding.
Within these dedicated retailer sections users will be able to search for other products from that particular retailer. Google hopes to expand Purchases on Google with more retailers this year and in 2016 for folks in the United States.