invitation-grandSo far we think we know pretty much all of Blizzard’s games to date. The company has its Diablo franchise, its Warcraft franchise, its StarCraft franchise, and last year at BlizzCon they announced a new franchise in the form of Overwatch. Now could Blizzard possibly have something new up their sleeves?

There have been rumors that Blizzard might be planning a new Diablo 3 expansion and now according to a report from Mamytwink, it looks like Blizzard has started to send out invites to certain members of the press for a press conference they will be holding at Gamescom 2015. This has led to speculation that maybe we could hear a new game announced by the company.

After all it was during Gamescom 2013 that Blizzard officially announced the first Diablo 3 expansion in the form of Reaper of Souls, so it would be possible that Blizzard could announce the next expansion at Gamescom as well. However it should be noted that the rumors had suggested that Blizzard would announce the expansion at BlizzCon 2015 towards the end of the year, but it is possible that they might have moved things up a bit.

In any case we guess we shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves just yet, but if you are a huge fan of Blizzard and their franchises, be sure to check back with us during Gamescom on the 5th of August for the details if there are any to be had.

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