zombiuEarlier this month we reported that a rumor had surfaced which suggested that Ubisoft’s ZombiU could be making its way onto the PS4 and Xbox One. How true are those rumors? Well it looks like more evidence has surfaced which seems to give credence to those rumors, which comes in the form of a sighting on the Australian Classification Board.

According to the sighting, it lists a rating for a game called Zombi. The game was also listed for the Xbox One and while it might have dropped the “U” from its name, the “Zombi” name certainly does sound very familiar, not to mention the listing on the Board also reveals that Ubisoft is the developer of it, so it really doesn’t seem like coincidence in the titles.

Oddly enough despite the earlier rumor that the game could be arriving on the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One, the listing only mentions the Xbox One. Perhaps the PS4 port will arrive later or maybe not at all, but we suppose we’ll just have to wait and see. For those unfamiliar, ZombiU was a game designed by Ubisoft and was an exclusive to the Wii U console.

However when asked if there might be future ZombiU sequels, Ubisoft cited the lack of profitability on the Wii U as the reason why there would not be anymore ZombiU sequels, but assuming the rumors of the port are true, perhaps Ubisoft could find success with the titles on other platforms.

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