
Gamers will be well aware of the fact that in just a couple of weeks the Electronic Entertainment Expo or E3, 2015 is going to take place in Los Angeles, California. Lots of announcements are expected and some great new titles are going to be unveiled at the event. Given that there’s a lot going on at E3 2015 it can often be hard to keep track of it all, particularly if you’re not on the ground. Fortunately, YouTube has decided to fix that.

E3 2015 isn’t exactly a public event, though publishers and other companies are allowed to bring some fans into the event. An overwhelming majority has to make do with online news sources and publishers’ own live streams to get all of the news.

It’s not secret that YouTube has been trying to get in gamers’ good sights, and this is just another step in that direction. It has put up a dedicated E3 YouTube hub where all of the big press conferences from publishers like Sony, Bethesda, Microsoft, EA and Ubisoft will be streamed live.

The hub will also provide trailers, live streams of the Nintendo World Championships as well as the unveiling of the upcoming Doom title.

“Let’s play” sessions of new titles will also be streamed live alongside interviews from “video game stars.” The E3 2015 hub launches June 14th, 2015 on YouTube.

Filed in Gaming. Read more about and . Source: youtube-global.blogspot