Sony’s PlayStation 4 Was The Best Selling Console In May

xbox-playstation-wall-e3-2013-bWhen it comes to console sales, Sony and Microsoft are always battling for the top spots. In some markets and depending on the time of year, sometimes Sony takes the lead, and sometimes Microsoft. Well as far as the US market is concerned for the month of May, it looks like Sony has emerged victorious.

According to the data provided by the NPD, it turns out that Sony’s PlayStation 4 was the top-selling console in the US for the month of May. While Microsoft’s Xbox One came in second place, it wasn’t a complete loss for Microsoft as it seems that they too experienced a strong growth in sales, but it just wasn’t enough to overtake Sony.

Microsoft claims that console sales in the US was up 81% over May 2014. They also boasted that there was an increase in active Xbox Live members by 20%. Presumably this boost in sales had to do with Microsoft deciding to unbundle the Kinect from the console, thus reducing its price to $399 putting it on par with the PS4, although admittedly by then it gave Sony the lead.

In a statement provided to VentureBeat by Sony, “As we head into E3, we would like to thank gamers for making PS4 the top-selling console and the leader in software sales in the U.S. in May.”

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