Looks like we have finally arrived at that awkward moment when technology has become so mighty that it is doing things that we could have hardly imagined. One good example of that has surfaced recently, remember the Nikon P900 camera, which was launched in March this year? Well, the optical zoom of the P900 is so powerful that it can show the details of moon craters, seriously!

The camera has been publicized with “Super Zoom” tag, but this recent video justifies the tag to no limit. This 1 minute 50 seconds video has been uploaded by a German photographer, Lothar Lenz. In the video, you can see the details of the moon and it is pretty clear too. Many photographers have uploaded videos about the P900 in the recent past but this one surpasses them all. All thanks to the 83x optical zoom lens.

The P900’s ridiculously powerful zoom is expandable up to 166x with effect Dynamic Fine Zoom feature. It has a backlit 16 million pixels CMOS image sensor paired with the use of an optical vibration reduction technology. With its 2000mm zoom range, the Nikon Coolpix P900 is clearly the winner when it comes to present ultra zoom segment about the target reach.

In the video, one can easily see how effortlessly the optical lens zooms in to its highest and takes an amazing video of the moon. The Nikon P900 has certainly impressed us with its mighty powerful optical zoom.

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